
just twin transitions policy mixes analysis science technology and Innovation Initiatives

Conceptualizing SPES policy mix(es) for just twin transitions: Policy mapping on Science, Technology, and Innovation initiatives in Europe and other countries

The twin transitions—the green transition towards sustainability and the digital transition towards technological advancement—have become central to policy debates in Europe and beyond. The European Green Deal, a cornerstone of the European Union's strategy, aims to achieve a climate-neutral Europe by 2050. This initiative highlights the interconnectedness of environmental sustainability...

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SPES focus indicators reliability weighing measurement assessment transition sustainability wellbeing

Assessing measurement challenges and sensitivity in transition performance indicators

Composite indicators contribute positively to the policy debate by informing and assisting policymakers in monitoring and evaluating processes. Besides assessing multidimensional socioeconomic phenomena, they enable cross-country comparison and are accessible to the general public. However, the construction of a composite index requires many steps, and researchers’ decisions are not trivial....

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presentation webinar flourishing life sustainable hedonism pleasure happiness

Flourishing life and sustainable hedonism

We know that happiness is good for a flourishing life. We also know from research that happy people are healthier, care more about the others, they are more open to supporto socio-ecological transformation. But the quest for happiness often fails, traditionally because of addiction and over consumption and recently also...

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go beyond GDP Europe policy recommendations policymaking SPES research Horizon Europe

Redefining progress to go beyond GDP in Europe

Beyond-GDP is more than an upbeat slogan especially if we embrace a Sustainable Human Development  Paradigm that points to the overarching goal of promoting sustainable and inclusive well-being. However, this is still hampered by the presence of political, institutional and technical barriers accruing from mainstream governance mechanisms, institutions, financing and...

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