
Reducing inequalities as a central objective

Reducing inequalities as a central objective

We still tend to develop policies that follow the status quo, without envisioning radical transformations towards more equal societies. We need more disruptive ideas.

Social Platform, the largest leading organisation working on social issues and Belgian Partner of the SPES Consortium, participated to the presentation event of the ETUI book “Transformative ideas – ensuring a just share of progress for all“. The event focused on fighting inequality, promoting democracy at work and trade unionism, and policies to ensure a decent standard of living for all.

It is clear that existing economic models are not working to deliver decent living and working conditions for all, and that the pressures of the ‘polycrisis’ are exacerbating inequalities and deepening social divides. Yet, the post-pandemic context also offers a window of opportunity to explore alternatives pathways and develop new economic and social models that respect ecological boundaries while promoting human wellbeing, equality and social justice.

Looking ahead to the year of European elections and a new Commission, the aim of the event was to discuss transformative policy solutions to some of the major social challenges ahead with leading scholars, trade unionists and civil society actors.

To read the full publication click on the image on the right.


9.15 Introduction by Nicola Countouris, Professor of Labour Law and European Law, UCL

9.30 Panel 1: Reducing inequalities as a central objective

Claes-Mikael Stahl, Deputy General Secretary, ETUC
Laura de Bonfils, Secretary General, Social Platform
Jiri Svarc, Head of Unit for Social Policies, Child Guarantee, SPC at DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Commission
Colm O’Cinneide, Professor, University College London (UCL)
Olivier De Schutter, Professor, UCLouvain and Sciences Po in Paris Download here his presentation

Chair: Wouter Zwysen, Senior researcher ETUI

Social Platform discussion is from min 1:06:25 to 1:17:54

11.15 Panel 2: Transformative policies for a new green and social deal

Guy Standing, Professorial Research Associate, SOAS University of London
Rania Antonopoulos, Senior Scholar, Levy Economics Institute in New York
Andrea Casamenti, Just Transition Policy Coordinator, SOLIDAR
Béla Galgóczi, Senior researcher ETUI

Chair: Bianca Luna Fabris, Researcher ETUI

14.00 Panel 3: Democracy at work as a means to citizen empowerment

Isabelle Ferreras, Professor at the School of Economics, UCLouvain
Benjamin Denis, Senior policy advisor, IndustriAll
Claude Didry, Director of Research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Stan De Spiegelaere, Director of Policy and Research, UNI Europa
Tea Jarc, Confederal Secretary, ETUC

Chair: Kalina Arabadjieva, Senior researcher, ETUI

15.30 Conclusions