
Recommendations for policy and practice to build a consensus on new measurement frameworks

Recommendations for policy and practice to build a consensus on new measurement frameworks

Building a consensus on broader frameworks, metrics and accounts goes beyond simply agreeing on measurement issues: it calls for envisioning the new world we aspire to. Overcoming the addiction to GDP requires a collective commitment to broader well-being and sustainability. As argued in SPES Working Paper 3.3 by researchers from University of Florence, TARKI Social Research Institute, ASviS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenbile, London School of Economics and Political Sciences and University of Bordeaux,  a shared theoretical consensus can facilitate dialogue, standardisation, and mutual learning, fostering a coherent and meaningful approach to measuring societal progress and paving the way for its mainstreaming and uptake at all levels.

Consensus is here conceived in a very inclusive and participatory way. It means allowing all “streams” carrying their own specific contribution – their own “water flow” – based on the specificities of their theory – the “spring” – to a common vision – the “river”.

The following recommendations aim to facilitate the cooperation and active involvement of various actors to achieve consensus in measuring development, societal progress and human wellbe-ing in a way that is theoretically grounded, technically robust and feasible, and able to influence policy-making processes.

1.Theoretical consensus: development vision and beyond-GDP frameworks

  • Moving beyond GDP requires a shift towards a Sustainable Human Development paradigm, embedding well-being and sustainability at the core of policymaking.
  • Institutional changes are needed to ensure the integration of SHD principles into decision-making and measurement frameworks, requiring both political commitment and structural reforms.
  • The proliferation of beyond-GDP initiatives highlights the need for international harmonization, calling for a strong alliance and coordinated framework to define societal progress coherently.

2. Technical consensus: the design and use of composite indicators

  • Strengthening statistical capacities is essential, requiring adequate financing and tailored support for national statistical offices and data providers.
  • Policymakers and researchers should carefully select composite indicators (CIs) to ensure:
    • Alignment with measurement objectives.
    • Comprehensive coverage of relevant sustainability dimensions.
    • Awareness of gaps, overlaps, and limitations in existing indicators.
    • Design improvements in CIs should focus on:
    • Standardization, weighting, and aggregation methods to capture synergies and trade-offs across multiple dimensions.
    • Systemic indicators that incorporate dynamic interactions between dimensions rather than treating them in isolation.
    • Statistical methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reveal hidden patterns and systemic obstacles in transition processes.
  • Harmonization efforts are needed to improve coherence across sustainability composite indicators (SCIs), ensuring that overlaps, substitutability, and complementarity are explicitly acknowledged.
  • Simplicity and clarity in indicators should be prioritized. Adding too many variables reduces interpretability, while well-designed composite measures—such as the Human Development Index (HDI)—offer a good balance of clarity and relevance.
  • Normalization based on theoretical thresholds (e.g., policy targets or sustainability goals) should be used to ensure comparability and meaningful interpretation. Weighting systems should be adapted to highlight key dimensions without distorting the intended measurement focus.
  • Many existing composite indicators fail to capture the green transition effectively. Instead of overcomplicating SCIs, simpler one-dimensional indicators (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, water supply) should complement sustainability measurement frameworks.
  • Disaggregated data should always be made easily accessible in official reports to allow policymakers and researchers to interpret underlying trends effectively.


3. Public and policy consensus: a new overarching goal

  • Engaging citizens and societal actors: The transition to a Sustainable Human Development paradigm requires broad public engagement and scrutiny to establish a shared goal of sustainable and inclusive well-being across all policies.
  • Multilevel and multistakeholder approach: Policymaking should be inclusive and participatory, integrating quintuple helix actors (government, academia, business, civil society, and the environment) and ensuring coordination across governance levels.
  • Role of media and communication: To move beyond GDP, effective communication is essential for shaping public narratives, influencing policy decisions, and reinforcing sustainability-focused development frameworks.

These recommendations aim to enhance the credibility, applicability, and impact of sustainability measurement frameworks, ensuring that transition performances are assessed accurately, comprehensively, and in a policy-relevant manner.

The Working Paper 3.3″Towards a consensus on measuring transition performances within a Sustainable Human Development paradigm” is part of Task 3.3 “Guidance for governance and policy implications” / Work Package 3. The report has been written by Mario Biggeri – Scientific coordinator of the SPES Project, University of Florence; Andrea Ferrannini – – Researcher of the project SPES, University of Florence; András Gábos – Team leader and researcher, TARKI Social Research Institute; Camilla Sofia Grande – Researcher of the SPES Project, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS); Orsolya Lelkes – Researcher of the SPES Project, TARKI Social Research Institute; Amaia Palencia-Esteban – Researcher of the SPES Project, London School of Economics and Political Sciences; Eric Rougier – Team leader and researcher, Université de Bordeaux.